Diesel Generator Conrrol Panel
Manual control panel
The digital controller installed on the panel has the ability to display all the parameters of the diesel and generator, and also these controllers will be able to protect the diesel and generator in case of a problem. Each panel has an automatic switch to manually disconnect the power of the generator as well as overload protection. In PDAs, this key comes from well-known brands such as ABB, Merlin Gerin.
Automatic Control Panel for Diesel Generators (ATS):
The Diesel Generator Control Panel is responsible for managing and controlling the function of the diesel generator. In this type of signage, the "Change Over" board is perhaps one of the most popular.
This type of switchboard is installed on emergency generators. In these cases, with the power failure of the control panel, the diesel generator automatically switches on the diesel generator and after entering the required frequency, it enters the circuit. Automatic control of the automatic control of the city automatically connects the city after the electricity flow. Also, after turning on the city's electricity flow, automatic control automatically sends the ignition command to the generator's diesel generator.
Parallel control panel:
Parallel or synchronous switchboard can connect two or more sources of power generation (diesel generator) to each other or with electricity in the city. In this case, it is possible to divide the load between diesel generators for greater flexibility. This board allows you to use Soft transfer.